
Terms and Condition

Last updated on 29 March 2022

By clicking “I agree” you are confirming and signing this agreement as a contract between you and PARAMOUNT RESULTS LLC. You must read and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this contract in order to access our services located at ‘www.p-results.com’. By registering for a p-results.com account and accepting our “Terms and Conditions” you hereby agree to have executed this agreement electronically, effective on the date you register your account. Your Account registration constitutes an acknowledgement that you are able to electronically receive and sign this agreement. To the extent permitted by applicable law, PARAMOUNT RESULTS LLC may adjust this agreement without prior notice to you at any time by posting a revised version on the website. Any revisions to this agreement will take effect when posted on the website unless otherwise stated. Your continued use of our services or the website services after the effective date of a revised version of this agreement constitutes your acceptance of its terms and agreement to be bound by its terms.


PARAMOUNT RESULTS LLC offers the services for your personal use, and not for business purposes or consumer use. To register for an account, you must be and represent that you are, a legal entity or an individual 18 years or older who can form legally binding contracts. In the event you are an individual below 18 years, you should be accompanied by an adult who is 18 years or over and for the purposes of this agreement, such adult shall be construed as party to this agreement on your behalf until you attain 18 years of age. By registering for an account, you agree to be financially responsible for your use of the website and the purchase of services and perform your obligations as specified by any service contract that you accept, unless such obligations are prohibited by applicable law or this agreement. PARAMOUNT RESULTS LLC reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to refuse, suspend, or terminate your access to the website and/or our services.

You agree that you are not a citizen or resident of a geographic area in which access or use of our services is prohibited by applicable law, decree, regulation, treaty, or administrative act.

You consent to electronically receive and access, via email or the website, all records and notices for the services provided to you under this agreement. You should retain a copy of all of the records and notices we send to you electronically. To withdraw your consent, you should remove your account form ‘p-results.com’.

You agree to provide true, accurate, and complete information on all registration and other forms you access on the Site or provide to us and to update your information to maintain its truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness. Additionally, you must not register for more than one client sccount. You must notify us of any change in your email address by updating your account information on the website or by contacting Customer Support.

You are entirely responsible for the confidentiality of your account username and password. You authorize PARAMOUNT RESULTS LLC to assume that any person accessing with your username and password either is you or is authorized to act for you. You agree to notify us immediately by contacting Customer Support if you suspect or become aware of any unauthorized use of your account.

For the purposes of the service contract, PARAMOUNT RESULTS hereby confirms that the work product will be an original work and fully conform to the requirements and terms set forth in the contract, nevertheless, PARAMOUNT RESULTS will not grant, directly or indirectly, any rights or interest whatsoever to third parties.

Client agrees that PARAMOUNT RESULTS will charge Client's designated payment method for fixed-price contracts, and payment or payment’s trial is considered as client’s acceptance of the services terms and the quote. Client agrees, the charge is non-refundable, except as otherwise required by applicable law or upon contract termination for reasonable issues. Client therefore agrees not to ask its credit card company, bank, or other payment method provider to charge back any fees for any reason. A chargeback in breach of the foregoing obligation is a material breach of this agreement. If client initiates a chargeback in violation of this agreement, client agrees that PARAMOUNT RESULTS shall be entitled to the full amount that has been improperly charged back plus interest on the outstanding amount at the lesser of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the maximum interest allowed by applicable law, plus attorneys' fees and other costs of collection to the extent permitted by applicable law. It is hereby clarified that only in the event PARAMOUNT RESULTS terminates the contract before completing the Job, the client shall be entitled to a refund of the fees for the portion of the work not done, but client cannot terminate the project after payment or quotation approval.

Client hereby authorizes PARAMOUNT RESULTS to run necessary authorizations on the payment method, to store such details as client's method of payment for services, and to charge such payment method in accordance with the terms of this agreement. By providing payment method information, client represents, warrants, and covenants that: (a) Client is legally authorized to provide such information to us; (b) Client is legally authorized to perform payments using the payment method(s); and (c) such action does not violate the terms and conditions applicable to client's use of such payment method(s) or applicable law. When Client authorizes a payment using a payment method, client represents, warrants, and covenants that there are sufficient funds or credit available to complete the payment using the designated payment method. To the extent that any amounts owed under this agreement cannot be collected from client's payment method(s), client is solely responsible for paying such amounts by other means. We reserve the right to seek reimbursement from you, and you will reimburse us, if we discover erroneous or duplicate transactions or we receive a chargeback from your payment method for any reason. You agree that we have the right to obtain such reimbursement by deducting amounts from future payments or withdrawals, charging your payment method(s), or obtaining reimbursement from you by any other lawful means.

Upon PARAMOUNT RESULTS closure of the project and client approval, the final output, including without limitation all intellectual property rights, will be the sole and exclusive property of the client, and client will be deemed to be the author thereof.

Client agrees not to hold PARAMOUNT RESULTS responsible, for any damages or losses arising out of or in connection with this agreement, including, but not limited to inappropriate use of our website or services, website functions (errors, bugs, viruses, or disruptions), or any consequences resulting from the implementation of our services. Your approval to final delivery releases PARAMOUNT RESULTS LLC from claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising in any way connected after delivery. This release includes, for example and without limitation, any disputes regarding the performance, functions, and quality of the delivery and provided services. If you engage PARAMOUNT RESULTS, our staff, or our website in any harmful actions or activities, you may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and may result in additional penalties and sanctions.